
662 results
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765 cchapel

Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company

Choreographic provocateur Bill T. Jones has created new dialogues in dance arts from every physical angle and emotional perspective. But his tepid Chapel/Chapter seems like a complete commercially artsy indulgence.

Bill T. Jones/Arnie Zane Dance Company. January 29-30, 2008 at Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut St. (215) 898-3900 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read
723 Jaamil Kosoko by Dan Conrath

The power of dancers

In a world of suicide bombers, soldiers and crying children, why am I dancing? Because armies of dancers possess a unique power too— including the power to help us forget, if only for a moment, that we are dying.
Jaamil Olawale Kosoko

Jaamil Olawale Kosoko

Articles 5 minute read

Pennsylvania Ballet's "Nutcracker'

Does the new physical production of Pennsylvania Ballet’s Nutcracker live up to its $850,000 buzz? A resounding yes. With only one noticeable exception, Judanna Lynn’s 85 new costumes were both theatrically vibrant and dance functional. Better sets and costumes seemed to improve the dancing, too.

Pennsylvania Ballet: George Balanchine’s The Nutcracker. Through December 31, 2007 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust St. (215) 551-7000 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read

José LimÓ³n Dance Company at Annenberg

The Mexican choreographer José Limón died in 1972 but left an artistic bounty that remains a valuable resource when it comes to building the complete modern dancer. His distinctive style came through with joy at the Zellerbach even in an erratically danced program.

José Limón Dance Company. December 6-8, 2007 at Zellerbach Theatre, Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts, 3680 Walnut St. (215) 898-3900 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read
671 Actsof Light

Martha Graham Dance Co. at Annenberg

Martha Graham’s company, now in its 80th year, is rising from its own ashes. Its recent program was erratically danced (in some cases by students). But what matters is that it’s preserving an innovative dance legacy, not merely embalming an iconic choreographer.

Martha Graham Dance Company. Presented Nov. 8-10, 2007 by Dance Celebration at Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut St. (215) 898 3900 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read

Ballet dancers as role models

Take it from an Olympic weightlifter: A great athlete need not be graceful. A great novelist or painter can go years without producing a work. Only ballet dancers must achieve physical, aesthetic and ethical greatness at every moment of their careers.
Jim Rutter

Jim Rutter

Articles 3 minute read
664 Ballet X

Ballet X at the Wilma

Ballet X marked its territory onstage at its new home with three premieres and, most important, its new permanent roster of eight dancers. Its co-artistic directors, Matthew Neenan and Christine Cox, didn’t miss this opportunity to display their company’s expansive artistic and technical mettle.

Ballet X: Risk of Flight, Once Again, M.O.M. My Own Memory. November 1-4, 2007, at Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. (215) 546-7824 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read
653 dracula 03

Pennsylvania Ballet's "Dracula'

In this production of Dracula, the anemic Transylvanian count isn’t the only character who needs a transfusion. But whatever the deficiencies in Ben Stevenson’s choreography, they were lost on the audience, which lapped up this performance like vampires in a blood bank.

Dracula. Ballet choreographed by Ben Stevenson. Pennsylvania Ballet production through November 3, 2007 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Sts. (215) 551.7000 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 3 minute read
640 balletcompb

Pennsylvania Ballet's "Company B'

This is a transitional time for Pennsylvania Ballet, but artistic director Roy Kaiser isn’t hedging any bets in challenging his new dancers or making roster changes in his seasoned corps. Matt Neenan’s still unpredictable As It’s Going will eventually emerge as one of his strongest works.

“Company B.” Pennsylvania Ballet production October 10-14, 2007 at Merriam Theater, Broad St. above Spruce. (215) 551-7000 or

Lewis Whittington

Articles 4 minute read

"Wandering Alice' at Fringe Festival.

This fantasy trip with dance and music, based on Alice in Wonderland, received a single tryout performance at the 2007 Fringe Festival. It’s imaginative, superbly executed and blissfully illogical.

Wandering Alice. Choreographer and director: Nichole Canuso. Writer/Co-Director: Suli Holum. Sound Design/Music Composition: James Sugg and Mike Kiley. Nichole Canuso Dance Company production, Septem
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 2 minute read