662 results
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Ballets Jazz de Montreal at Annenberg
Amid the absurdity, one humbling moment
Both MAPA and Rossini Cards, performed at Annenberg by Les Ballets Jazz de Montreal, largely wasted the dancers' talents with repetition and inanity. But one stunning five-minute interlude left me speechless at my own inadequacy to ever approach such a moment of ideal human beauty.

5 minute read

Keely Garfield's "Limerence'
This woman is dangerous
Keely Garfield's Limerence could be the Cliff Notes to poet Gary Snyder's line: “The pointless wars of the heart.” It draws blood. And if you're like me, it takes a night of fitful sleep before you realize how badly you've been cut.
3 minute read

"Greed,' by Rebecca Davis Dance
Where business and choreography meet
Can Wall Street's Enron scandal be set to music and dance? Choreographer Rebecca Davis— herself a business student and entrepreneur— has made something incredibly celebratory, beautiful, and powerful about a financial disaster.

5 minute read

Twyla Tharp's "Noir' by UArts
Tharp, and a cat playing with a dead mouse
Twyla Tharp's Noir allows the audience to view the world she creates on stage with the eyes of Eternity and Death. It's the world as Freud described it: civilized and polite on the surface but ruled, in fact, by erotic desire and aggression unto the death.
4 minute read
Ballet X: Work by Booker and Neenan
Searching for meaning in modern dance
(without program notes, yet)
Watching Giselle’s Room was like hearing poetry in a foreign language. But two works by Ballet X co-artistic director Matthew Neenan caused no such confusion. Ballet X, more accustomed to Neenan’s individual style and tone, gave superb performances of both pieces.
Ballet X: Giselle’s Room, by Zane Booker; Duet From Cali and Steelworks, by Matthew Neenan. November 6-9, 2008 at Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. (at Spruce). (215) 917-1513 or
Ballet X: Giselle’s Room, by Zane Booker; Duet From Cali and Steelworks, by Matthew Neenan. November 6-9, 2008 at Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. (at Spruce). (215) 917-1513 or

4 minute read

Pennsylvania Ballet's "Balanchine and Tharp'
One more cause for euphoria
It’s too bad the Pennsylvania Ballet didn’t stage these pieces after the election— because regardless of the outcome, these performances would have restored anyone’s faith in humanity. You can’t feel anything less than admiration after watching a corps of young people dancing with such pure elation, so fluid, lovely, and promising, as they moved in perfect unison.
Pennsylvania Ballet: “Balanchine and Tharp. ” October 29-November 2, 2008 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust St. (215) 551-7000 or
Pennsylvania Ballet: “Balanchine and Tharp. ” October 29-November 2, 2008 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust St. (215) 551-7000 or

5 minute read

Ellen Forman Memorial Concert
Ellen Forman's body language, fondly recalled
As founder of the South Street Dance Company in the early ’70s, the late Ellen Forman introduced Philadelphia to post-modern dance. The humor, romanticism and ebullience that marked her life and work were appropriately recalled in a studio dedication in her honor.
Ellen Forman Memorial Dance Studio opening. October 3, 2008 at Mandell Theater, Drexel University, 33rd and Chestnut Sts. (215) 895-2787 or
Ellen Forman Memorial Dance Studio opening. October 3, 2008 at Mandell Theater, Drexel University, 33rd and Chestnut Sts. (215) 895-2787 or

2 minute read

Scrap's "Tide' at Fringe Festival (2nd review)
Energy vs. environment on South Street
In Isaiah Zagar's mosaic garden on South Street, dancers perilously climbed and danced off walls of embedded bottles and ceramics in the early evening, when subtle lighting added a mysterious glow to the performance.

1 minute read

React/Dance's South Philly Tour, at Fringe Festival
Beyond gentrification's reach
React/Dance, led by Jacelyn Biondo and Kristen Shahverdian, took its dancers and audience on a tour of South Philly, with nary a chic restaurant or much of a sign of gentrification in sight.

1 minute read

"Car' at Fringe Festival
All the world's a garage
In Car, director/choreographer Kate Watson-Wallace took audiences of three or four in a car ride within a parking garage— an ambitious, aggressive and sometimes violent experiment.

1 minute read