662 results
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BalletX: Ochoa, Del Cuore and Neenan (2nd review)
A ballet troupe with a future
Now in its fifth year, BalletX has assembled a consistently talented cadre of strong modern ballet dancers, commissioning new work and tapping selections from a growing repertoire.

3 minute read

BalletX: Ochoa, Del Cuore and Neenan (1st review)
Stories and pictures without words or paint
Revivals by Annabelle Lopez Ochoa and Matthew Neenan have ripened with age. The same might be true a few years from now for Tobin Del Cuore's Beside Myself.
BalletX 2010 Fall Series: Ochoa, Still @ Life; Del Cuore, Beside Myself; Neenan, Frequencies. Through November 21, 2010 at the Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. (at Spruce). (215) 546-7824 or

4 minute read

"Kaidan Insuto' by Daniele Strawmyre's readySetGo
Japanese ghosts in Kensington
In a suitably ghostly abandoned warehouse in Kensington, Daniele Strawmyre and her readySetGo dance company presented Kaidan Insuto, an engrossing performance installation work based on ghost tales from 17th-Century Japan.

3 minute read

Paul Taylor at Annenberg (2nd review)
Sound and fury, signifying…. what?
The great modern dance pioneer Paul Taylor is 80 years old and dripping with honors. But Phantasmagoria, his newest piece, couldn't be weirder or less like the work that has made him a legend.
4 minute read

Pennsylvania Ballet's "Carmen'
Don José: Victim, villain or jerk?
The opening scene of Roland Petit's Carmen suggests immense bottled-up passion and lust. Unfortunately, that passion is never released in the ballet's remaining two scenes.

4 minute read

Paul Taylor at Annenberg (1st review)
Paul Taylor, between the body and the spirit
Paul Taylor has been choreographing for more than half a century— long enough to gently tweak the pretensions of modern dance even as he seriously examines the interplay between the spiritual and the carnal.

3 minute read

Nichole Canuso's "Takes' at the Fringe (1st review)
Anatomy of a relationship
This inventive portrayal of a couple's relationship, as seen from several perspectives, is less important than the expression of feelings and the visceral movement of bodies. Dito van Reigersberg and Nichole Canuso are so convincing as a couple that we're rarely aware of them as performers.

3 minute read

JérÓ´me Bel's "Cédric Andrieux' at Fringe Festival
A dancer's interior life
In his relentless quest for honest connection between dancers and audience, choreographer JérÓ´me Bel asks the veteran dancer Cédric Andrieux to shed his stage artifice and instead peer deeply into his own soul— to think about his life as a dancer and confront the question of why he does what he does.

6 minute read

Childs's "Dance' and Koner's "Farewell' at the Fringe (1st
Back to the future: The return of Childs and Koner
Two revivals— of Lucinda Childs's Dance and Pauline Koner's The Farewell— revealed how outstanding works of art retain their power over time. The two pieces also demonstrate why revivals deserve a presence in performance-focused festivals.
Dance (1979). Choreographed by Lucinda Childs, with music by Philip Glass and film by Sol LeWitt. September 9-12, 2010 at Perelman Theater, Kimmel Center, Broad and Spruce Sts.

8 minute read

Kun-Yang Lin's quest: Connecting body to soul
Now to connect the body to the soul
The innovative choreographer Kun-Yang Lin has launched a daring dance workshop that seeks to transcend mere movement by getting inside dancers' souls as well. It's a fresh approach with the potential to galvanize today's sometimes forgettable world of dance.

5 minute read