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Ousting whiteness from his black, possessed body: Kosoko. (Photo by Scott Shaw)

Jaamil Olawale Kosoko’s 'Black Male Revisited'

The body as resistance and protest

Jaamil Olawale Kosoko’s Black Male Revisited is a riveting multimedia presentation that encourages us to question “self” as we navigate a not-so-post–racial world.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read
Ballets Jazz de Montréal: impressive synchrony, strength, and grace. (Photo by Bill Hebert, courtesy of Dance Affiliates [NextMove Series])

Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal at the Prince

Tribal strength on display

Les Ballets Jazz de Montréal presented an evening of mostly first-class work that used the memories of our distant origins to propel us into an unknown but fascinating future.
Gary L. Day

Gary L. Day

Articles 2 minute read
Roscoe and friend: How does the Mouse King see? Observe closely.

How kids see ‘The Nutcracker’ (6th helping)

Blessings of binoculars

This month marks the sixth December in my curious annual quest to observe how small children — specifically, my grandchildren— develop an appreciation for great art — specifically, The Nutcracker. Not until this year did it occur to me that the Nutcracker experience itself might change with the passage of time.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 4 minute read
An innovative interaction of music and dance. (Photo by Bill Hebert)

Duende and the Curtis 20/21 Ensemble

Schoenberg, dance, and cabaret

Performances in informal settings can create a less elitist atmosphere and be the catalyst for meaningful conversations about art.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 3 minute read
Restrained ferocity: Gary Jeter. (Photo byAlexander Iziliaev)

BalletX: 'Beasts'

Athleticism and technique brought out the Beasts

BalletX continues to add to the landscape of contemporary dance by their commitment to producing world premieres. In Beasts, Nicolo Fonte asked the company’s dancers to use their individuality to channel their primal human instinct.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read
"A Trick of Light": comedic storytelling. (Photo by Bill Hebert, courtesy of Dance Affiliates [NextMove Series])

Dance Affiliates presents BodyTraffic

Revving up contemporary dance on the West Coast

BodyTraffic is energizing the West Coast dance scene with innovation and fusion, while continuing to diversify their repertory, showing that concert dance can, and does, live in the City of Angels.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read
Pedestrian aesthetic: De Keersmaeker and Charmatz (Photo © Herman Sorgeloos)

De Keersmaeker's 'Partita 2' at FringeArts

Who is the dance for?

Partita 2 left me with two questions: “Is dance just for dancers?” and “Is accessibility important in dance?” With no definite answers, I am left with Bach on my mind and the image of a running duo that went on for way too long.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read
The hypnotic Terk Lewis Waters (Photo by Rachel Neville)

Dance Affiliates presents Complexions Contemporary Ballet

Bodies, battements . . . breathe!

I left the theater thrilled at having the chance to share a night of dance with dancers who slaughtered every step given to them with a ferocity that at times forced me to pull back in my seat. I also experienced disappointment that the show provided few surprises in its use of well-worn vocabulary.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read
Available light

Fringe 2015: 'Available Light' by Childs, Adams, Gehry

Let there be more light

Lucinda Childs’s hauntingly formalist 1983 dance piece Available Light is revived as part of the 2015 Philadelphia Fringe Festival.

Thomas Patteson

Articles 3 minute read
Lithe, liquid, and in control: Flynn and Smith

Fringe 2015: Megan Flynn Dance Company, 'Dances with Socks'

Socks optional

Socks or no socks, Megan Flynn flexed her choreographic muscle as she introduced her company to the Philadelphia dance scene.
Gregory King

Gregory King

Articles 2 minute read