662 results
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NextMove Dance presents Doug Varone and Dancers (first review)
Dystopia or utopia?
Doug Varone and Dancers bring four worthy pieces to NextMove Dance at the Prince Theater. Merilyn Jackson reviews.

3 minute read

The Pennsylvania Ballet comes up short
Size matters
When Pennsylvania Ballet principal dancer Sara Murawski's contract wasn't renewed, rumors swirled that she was let go because she was too tall. Camille Bacon-Smith considers the implications.

4 minute read

Pennsylvania Ballet's 'The Nutcracker' and the Rock School's 'Nutcracker 1776'
A nutcracking good time
The dance companies of Philadelphia offer up their annual 'Nutcrackers' for audiences of all ages. Alix Rosenfeld reviews two of many.

4 minute read

NextMoveDance presents David Parsons Dance Company
Come for the drones, stay for the hand dance
The David Parsons Dance Company brings humor and technology to free-spirited modern dance. Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.

4 minute read

BalletX presents 'Sunset, o639 Hours'
BalletX flies high
BalletX presents a tour de force with 'Sunset, o639 Hours,' a full-length ballet, that tells the story of the first (ill-fated) airmail flight. Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.

3 minute read
NextMove Dance presents Martha Graham Dance Company (second review)
Old favorites on a new tour
Martha Graham Dance Company brings some of its best-loved works on tour. So how do they compare to the originals? Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.

4 minute read
NextMove Dance presents Martha Graham Dance Company
A cracking good Martha Graham
NextMove Dance brought the Martha Graham Dance Company to Philadelphia to present some old and retooled classics that still resonate today. Alix Rosenfeld reviews.

4 minute read

Penn's Landing Playhouse presents 'Maurice Hines Is Tappin' Thru Life'
Here comes the hot stepper
Maurice Hines and the Manzari Brothers tap and dazzle to the hot music of the DIVA Jazz Orchestra. Gail Obenreder reviews.

3 minute read

Philly Fringe 2016 review: Jérôme Bel's 'Gala'
'Gala' gets Philly moving
Jérôme Bel’s 'Gala' brought Philadelphians to their feet and onto the stage. Alix Rosenfeld gushes over a piece that showcased all dancers, amateurs and professionals, alike.

2 minute read

Philly Fringe 2016 review: Reggie Wilson's 'CITIZEN'/Boris Charmatz's 'Levee des Conflits'
Sweat and repetition
The first two FringeArts curated dance pieces, 'CITIZEN' and 'Levee des Conflits,' consider the nature of identity. Alix Rosenfeld considers them in tandem.

4 minute read