Creative economy
117 results
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Five reasons to attend the East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention
For the geek at heart
An Nichols previews the 2023 East Coast Black Age of Comics Convention and how it works towards cultural awareness, youth literacy, and building safe spaces for geekdom.

3 minute read

Tuning youth advocacy in music with Joseph H. Conyers and Project 440
A different frequency of learning
Joseph H. Conyers, founder and vision advisor of Project 440, talks about teaching music to children and young adults, community, and learning more than just the instruments. Maria Thompson Corley profiles.

3 minute read

Putting on a show with the 2023 SoLow Festival
Exploring the concept of “mess”
The SoLow Festival is an accessible local arts festival that doesn’t put financial pressure on the artists. This year, it’s exploring the concept of rest. C.M. Crockford previews.

1 minute read

Running away to Philadelphia School of Circus Arts
Rooting early passion for the circus
Lisa Grunberger takes a look at circus arts, the Philadelphia School of Circus Arts, and Fringe's Hand to Hand Festival through the eyes of their youngest fans.
3 minute read

The return of the Jewish New Media Festival
A triumphant comeback story
The festival is back after a four-year hiatus, with Kosha Dillz and Karen Cinnamon leading the way. Stephen Silver previews.

3 minute read

Remembering Florence Van Leer Earle Nicholson Coates
Looking back at a Philly poet legend
April is National Poetry Month, and Emily R. Zarevich recalls historic poet Florence Van Leer Earle Nicholson Coates, who paved the way for future generations of poets in Philadelphia.
3 minute read

Before international artists can hit the Philly stage, they face US immigration
The trouble with visas
Philly loves bringing international artists to our cultural scene. But whether they come from Brazil or China, England or Nigeria, they face a gauntlet of challenges from US immigration law. Camille Bacon-Smith gets an often-invisible story.

7 minute read

Rosine 2.0 In Practice: a love letter to Philly’s organizers
Healing takes practice
Rosine 2.0 is a community-driven art project that invites grassroots organizers to explore and engage in collective practices of harm reduction and healing in Philadelphia. Olivia J. B. Baxter previews their celebratory event.

2 minute read

Will Philly’s next mayor fund arts and culture?
The Mayoral Forum on the Performing Arts and Cultural Economy
At this Kimmel Center debate, nine candidates for mayor took questions about how our cultural sector fits into their platform. Alaina Johns was there.

6 minute read

Why support arts journalism in 2023?
What is your attention worth?
One thing we've been hearing a lot this year is that people are fed up with the media. Are we a lost cause? Not if you invest in the professionals in your community.

3 minute read