Creative economy

117 results
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One of Mantua's murals. (All photos on this page by Ian Freimuth, via Creative Commons/Flickr)

Drexel study of Mantua and Powelton

“A Fragile Ecosystem”

Can the arts do for Mantua and Powelton what they've done in Fishtown and other Philadelphia neighborhoods?

Tara Lynn Johnson

Articles 6 minute read
And the winner is . . .

The arts are not competitive sports

Awards have their uses, but they violate the basic spirit of the arts and distort the relationship between artists and their audience.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 4 minute read
Presto, chango: The transformation of the text has led to the transformation of the publishing industry. (Image by melenita2012, via Creative Commons)

Are publishers necessary?

Notes from the front lines of the revolution in publishing

How does an author manage his or her backlog? Do publishers have any value? A writer reports from the center of the technological storm reshaping the publishing business.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 5 minute read

Bill Watterson, J. D. Salinger, and the reclusive life

Tigers and teens can be troublesome assets

Are writers like J. D. Salinger and Bill Watterson behaving like recluses and introverts when they avoid public exposure?
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 4 minute read
First Friday in Old City (Photo by B. Krist for Visit Philadelphia™)

First Fridays in Philadelphia

Come for the drag queens, stay for the art

First Friday used to be a celebration of art — these days, it's a hook for marketing departments.
Jackie Schifalacqua

Jackie Schifalacqua

Articles 3 minute read
Would working for this man stress you out? (Photo by gohe007, via Flickr/Creative Commons)

Dwaine Tinsley and the vagaries of history

The archduke and the pervert

Finding justice for Dwaine Tinsley: If I was not a writer with my peculiar interests; if I had not practiced workers’ compensation law; if that client had not become disgruntled. . . .
Bob Levin

Bob Levin

Articles 4 minute read
Blanka Zizka, founding artistic director of the Wilma Theater, shows how it's done.

The role of the theater critic

Diversity Onstage: A Critical Issue

Some critics don’t concern themselves with diversity or context, sticking to the subject before them. This is its own form of injustice as well as an abandonment of the critic’s role; to see exclusionary practices and not comment on them is to perpetuate them, but also, to pretend a show exists in a cultural vacuum does a disservice to the role of art.
Wendy Rosenfield

Wendy Rosenfield

Articles 5 minute read
Museum crowds like this are increasingly rare.

Survey of Public Participation in the Arts

Troubling trends in the arts

Even in the best of times, art has been the purview of the few, but now the few have turned into the very few. The NEA's Survey of Public Participation in the arts shows that support of the arts is declining.
Armen Pandola

Armen Pandola

Articles 4 minute read
Gillman (left) with successor Zminda: Running out of options?

Derek Gillman departs

The Barnes confronts a rock and a hard place

Derek Gillman’s sudden exit as director of the Barnes Foundation and his replacement by a member of the Barnes board marks a new chapter in the Foundation’s unfolding saga in Center City— and a sign that it’s already in serious financial straits.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 3 minute read
Hopper's 'East Wind': No value beyond cash value?

Pennsylvania Academy sells a Hopper

Keeping an Eakins, selling a Hopper, or: Watch your back, Mona Lisa

The Pennsylvania Academy's announced sale of East Wind Over Weehawken, one of the two Edward Hopper oil paintings in Philadelphia, raises this question: What responsibility do museums have to preserve core works in their collections, or even the idea of a core collection itself?
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 6 minute read