Creative economy

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Must Charlotte Ford (above) forsake the stage to make a living? Photo by JJ Tiziou.

Arts in crisis? Really?

Just how did Faulkner survive (not to mention Charles Ives and Marlon Brando)?

Are boorish Americans systematically starving our creative classes, as two critics contend? It’s an old complaint, once voiced by the likes of Mark Twain and Saul Bellow. But where William Giraldi and Scott Timberg see cultural destruction, I see natural creative evolution, and not just in the arts.
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 7 minute read
Panelists (from left): Parkerson, Massiah, Cabral, Nance, Jackson; did Ferguson change everything? (Photo: Alaina Mabaso.)

A BlackStar Film Festival panel

Black filmmakers confront the ‘burden of representation’

Must black artists or public figures represent their entire group to the dominant culture? At Philadelphia’s annual BlackStar Film Festival, four filmmakers wrestled with that question.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Articles 5 minute read
Ed Cunningham, the voice of the Philadelphia pledge drive. (Courtesy of WHYY)

Can PBS survive the fundraising trap?

I understand the practicalities of the television business. I understand that if these stations don’t make up their budget shortfalls, the quality of their offerings is likely to suffer, or they might even close down altogether. My concern is the fundraising programming itself and how it is threatening to take over a large segment of our PBS stations’ schedules.
Gary L. Day

Gary L. Day

Articles 4 minute read
How well is the Kimmel Center being used? (photo via

Has Philadelphia become a cultural backwater?

What do Philly and Spokane have in common?

A great city isn’t a matter of size, but of whether it challenges itself with the best the world has to offer. Philadelphia doesn’t.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 3 minute read

Promoting your writing: a response

The cost of blowing your own horn

Did you find this article via social media? You’re welcome. I put it there, but nobody paid me to do it. Am I the only writer feeling fleeced?
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Articles 5 minute read
The lobby of the Boyd when it opened in 1928. (All photos via the Irvin R. Glazer Collection, Athenaeum of Philadelphia.)

An elegy for the Boyd Theater

A trip to the Boyd always reminded me of a different era when the movies sought to do more than give the people what they wanted — it gave them something they needed, a place to capture their imaginations and inspire them.
Armen Pandola

Armen Pandola

Articles 4 minute read

Promoting your writing

This little light of mine

It puzzles me that so many of my fellow writers just sit on their hands when a new story of theirs is published, expecting that the world will somehow manage to discover it.
Roz Warren

Roz Warren

Articles 4 minute read
Harrumph: Malcolm McDowell, Bernadette Peters, and Gael García Bernal in "Mozart in the Jungle."

Blair Tindall's 'Mozart in the Jungle'

The oboist's lament

The Mozart in the Jungle TV series is based on a book that presents a cautionary tale for those who commit to a career in the arts for the wrong reasons.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 6 minute read

This writing life

The author takes a creative approach to getting his book into the hands of readers.
Bob Levin

Bob Levin

Articles 4 minute read
Waiting to audition for the York Mystery Plays, April 2014. (photo by Nick Ansell via Creative Commons/Flickr)

Philadelphia actors find work locally

A commitment to local talent

Do actors need to head north to work? The 51 theaters in the Philadelphia area make an effort to hire local talent, according to their casting directors.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 5 minute read