
6207 results
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Riding the currents of isolation: Whitney Casal and Britt Davis in ‘Do mirrors burn?’ (Image courtesy of the artists.)

Philly Fringe 2020: OhOk Performance Group presents ‘Do mirrors burn?’

Missing ourselves in others

OhOk Performance Group joins the Philly Fringe with an isolation-adapted video performance of ‘Do mirrors burn?’ that feels just right for quarantine. Corey Qureshi reviews.
Corey Qureshi

Corey Qureshi

Articles 2 minute read
What is Tom of Finland’s legacy in 2020? A scene from ‘KAKE-MURTA’ by Kareen Labbé Weber. (Photo by Sebastián Burgos.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Casa de Duende presents ‘States of Desire’

Tom of Finland in 2020

For this year's Fringe, Case de Duende presents an international video showcase exploring the legacy of gay porn icon Tom of Finland. Josh Herren reviews.
Josh Herren

Josh Herren

Articles 3 minute read
A moving outdoor performance: the ensemble of ‘Miyake’ in ‘Taiko and Dance.’ (Image courtesy of Casual Fifth.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Casual Fifth presents ‘Taiko and Dance’

Taiko takes Philly

For the Fringe, performance company Casual Fifth collaborates with mentors and friends to create ‘Taiko and Dance,’ a video presentation blending taiko, modern dance, and music. Kelly Conrad reviews.
Kelly Conrad

Kelly Conrad

Articles 3 minute read
Strengths of the Free Fringe: ‘Shitty Jews’ creators Sarah Knittel and Betty Smithsonian. (Image courtesy of the artists.)

Free Fringe Philly 2020: Sarah Knittel and Betty Smithsonian present ‘Shitty Jews’

Kibbitzing in the time of corona

Jewish performers Sarah Knittel and Betty Smithsonian are joined by funny friends—Jewish and not—to kvetch, commiserate, and talk shit in this Free Fringe livestream offering. Jill Ivey reviews.
Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Jillian Ashley Blair Ivey

Articles 2 minute read
The Study Hall troupe used to be onstage, but now you can catch it on Zoom. (Image courtesy of the artists.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Study Hall presents 'Comedy Inspired by Lectures'

Riffs on academia

Three academics lecture a group of improv actors in Study Hall's 'Comedy Inspired by Lectures,' now streaming for the Philly Fringe. Hilarity ensues. Suzanne Cloud reviews.
Suzanne Cloud

Suzanne Cloud

Articles 3 minute read

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Sitting shiva in the virtual age: the ‘Welcome to the Shiva House’ audience lights a candle in honor of Sam Bloom.’ (Image courtesy of Gabriel Shulman.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Benjamin Behrend and Logan Gabriel Schulman’s ‘Welcome to the Shiva House’

Living alongside grief

Two Philadelphia artists explore grief through religious ritual, inviting us all into a virtual shiva for this year's Fringe Festival. Emily Esten reviews.
Emily Esten

Emily Esten

Articles 3 minute read
An augmented reality in Powelton Village: ‘Field Calls’ in the 2020 Fringe. (Photo by Tenara Calem.)

Philly Fringe 2020: Lupine Performance Cooperative’s ‘Field Calls’

Pixies in Powelton

In this year's Fringe, Lupine Performance Cooperative takes visitors through a Philadelphia marred not by pandemic but by magical invaders. When the dragons are defeated, what does recovery look like? Emily Esten reviews.
Emily Esten

Emily Esten

Articles 3 minute read
Something just out of their grasp? The ‘HOMEbody’ ensemble. (Photo by Juliana Wall.)

Philly Fringe 2020: JCWK Dance Lab’s ‘The Other Side of the Window Screen: HOMEbody’

The home we inhabit

Choreographer Jessica Warchal-King’s JCWK Dance Lab curates a web-based journey through the process of creating a dance that explores the idea of home at the 2020 Philly Fringe. Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.
Camille Bacon-Smith

Camille Bacon-Smith

Articles 2 minute read
Not here to explain the meaning of disability. (Image courtesy of Vintage Books.)

‘Disability Visibility,’ edited by Alice Wong

Being in our own words

‘Disability Visibility,’ a first-person story collection that arrived along with the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, is a platform where diverse disabled voices live in their own words. Alaina Johns reviews.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Articles 4 minute read
Image and voice evoke distance and longing: The Crossing teams with Roots in the Sky for ‘In Nature.’ (Image courtesy of The Crossing.)

The Crossing presents ‘In Nature’ and ‘One Day I Saw’

Fresh airs

A pandemic doesn’t stop the artists of The Crossing, who continue to innovate across necessary spaces. The group’s latest interdisciplinary works include ‘In Nature’ and ‘One Day I Saw.’ Gail Obenreder reviews.
Gail Obenreder

Gail Obenreder

Articles 4 minute read