
6207 results
Page 608
250 goya

Goya's 'Los Caprichos' at Arthur Ross Gallery

If you realize how seldom you’ll have the chance to view a complete set of Goya prints, you’ll run, not walk, to the Arthur Ross Gallery, where a complete early edition of “Los Caprichos” is on display.

“Francisco Goya y Lucientes: ‘Los Caprichos’.” Through January 7, 2007 at the Arthur Ross Gallery. 220 South 34th Street. 215-898-2083 or

Andrew Mangravite

Articles 2 minute read
253 tango3

World Dance performances

Three World Dance troupes offer, respectively, electricity, metaphysical reflection and a polished, unfussy tango showcase.

Lewis Whittington

Articles 5 minute read
249 zoostory2

"Zoo Story' at Society Hill Playhouse

A good cast can’t rescue a dated play or mask the misogyny at the heart of Edward Albee’s work.

The Zoo Story. By Edward Albee; directed by Steven Wright. Through November 18, 2006 at Society Hill Playhouse, 507 South Eighth St.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 3 minute read

Shostakovich in New York

Valery Gergiev wraps up his Shostakovich symphony cycle in New York, and reveals a composer on whom the 20th Century set its seal as on no other.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 6 minute read
248 E Eschenbach

Orchestra's thin skin

Peter Dobrin, it appears, really does get under the skin of the Orchestra's management after all.
Dan Coren

Dan Coren

Articles 4 minute read
246 Mimi Rod 1868

OCP's 'La Bohème'

OCP has settled into a groove of predictably pleasant productions: If they don’t blow you away, neither do they go up in flames. And what could be more realistic than an opera about sruggling artists performed by struggling artists?

La Bohème. By Giacomo Puccini; directed by Robert Driver. Opera Company of Philadelphia production through Nov. 11, 2006 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Sts. (215) 893-3600 or www.operaphi
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 3 minute read

InterAct's "Kiss of the Spider Woman'

After a generation of multi-media treatment, Puig’s two revolutionary cellmates are no longer all that revolutionary. Which means that what was once the inspiring experience of sharing their enlightened company has now become stale and hackneyed.

Kiss of the Spider Woman. By Manuel Puig, with a translation by Allan Baker; directed by Seth Rozin. InterAct Theatre Co. production through November 19, 2006 at Adrienne Theatre,, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 568-8079 or
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 2 minute read

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245 Martello Mary

Barrymore Awards: A bush-league show

The Barrymore Awards ostensibly honor the best of Philadelphia theater. But this year's Barrymore ceremony was an embarrassment. Countless spokesmen spent three and a half hours telling us that the Philly theater community is great. Won't they please shut up and show us what’s great?

Barrymore Awards. October 23, 2006 at the Merriam Theatre, Broad above Spruce St.
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 5 minute read

Art Museum's 'Mexican Printmaking'

In the wake of the gilded glories of “Tesoros,” the Art Museum completes the story with a look at art for the masses. It’s a testimony to the collective genius of Mexican artists amid war and revolution.

“Mexico and Modern Printmaking.” Through January 14, 2007 at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Benjamin Franklin Parkway at 26th Street. (215) 763-8100 or

Andrew Mangravite

Articles 3 minute read
'Peril' (1951): Continual discovery.

Robert Richenburg at Mishkin Gallery (NY)

Robert Richenburg’s black paintings constitute one of the summits of American Abstract Expressionism, and his recent passing makes the small but elegant retrospective of his work at Baruch’s Sidney Mishkin Gallery an historic as well as an aesthetic event in the new art season.

Robert Richenburg. Through October 27, 2006, at Sidney Mishkin Gallery, 135 East 22 Street, New York. (212) 802-2690 or
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 7 minute read