6207 results
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What did Albert Barnes really want?
In his proposal for the Barnes Foundation, Gresham Riley has misconstrued Albert Barnes's intent. Never at any time did Barnes regard his curriculum as suitable for schoolchildren. His was a program of adult education addressed to a general but fully mature public.

5 minute read

Center City Opera's "Dorian Gray' (1st review)
Lowell Liebermann’s opera based on Oscar Wilde’s story gets much needed traction in this chamber orchestra version. Liebermann’s music is audience-friendly; his instrumentation is modern but the tonality is conservative, which is a logical choice for a story set in Victorian times.
The Picture of Dorian Gray. Opera by Lowell Liebermann; directed by Leland Kimball. Presented through June 12, 2007 by Center City Opera Theater at the Perelman Theater, Kimmel
The Picture of Dorian Gray. Opera by Lowell Liebermann; directed by Leland Kimball. Presented through June 12, 2007 by Center City Opera Theater at the Perelman Theater, Kimmel

3 minute read

Albert Barnes's misguided vision
Albert Barnes had some original ideas about art education. But he threw out the baby with bathwater, argues art history professor Charles Morscheck, a member of the establishment that Barnes detested.
3 minute read

What the Barnes must do next
The bad news: Arts education in America, like public education in general, is increasingly treated like an unwanted stepchild. The good news in Philadelphia: At long last the Barnes Foundation has attracted the interest of three major foundations that possess the resources to change the face of arts education— if they so choose. Gresham Riley offers concrete suggestions.

7 minute read

Carlo Russo paintings at F.A.N. Gallery
Carlo Russo doesn’t blow you away with painterly touches. He just gives it what it needs to get the job done.
“Recent Paintings” by Carlo Russo. Through June 30, 2007 at F.A.N. Gallery, 221 Arch St. (215) 922-5155 or
“Recent Paintings” by Carlo Russo. Through June 30, 2007 at F.A.N. Gallery, 221 Arch St. (215) 922-5155 or
2 minute read
"Hair' at the Prince
It’s hard to recapture the anti-war feelings of the 1960s, but the Prince Music Theater’s 40th enthusiastic anniversary revival of Hair helps show today’s younger generation what the fuss was all about.
Hair. Book and lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado; music by Galt MacDermot; directed by Tom O’Horgan. Through June 17, 2007 at Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St. (215) 569-9700 or
Hair. Book and lyrics by Gerome Ragni and James Rado; music by Galt MacDermot; directed by Tom O’Horgan. Through June 17, 2007 at Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St. (215) 569-9700 or

4 minute read
Georges Rouault in New York
A modest but impressive show of Georges Rouault offers at least a partial opportunity to re-evaluate an important but neglected modern master. It also poses the question of whether this deeply Christian painter can still speak to a secular age.
“Georges Rouault: Judges, Clowns and Whores.” Through June 9, 2007 at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 1018 Madison Ave., (at 78th St.), New York. (212-) 744-7400 or
“Georges Rouault: Judges, Clowns and Whores.” Through June 9, 2007 at Mitchell-Innes & Nash, 1018 Madison Ave., (at 78th St.), New York. (212-) 744-7400 or

4 minute read

"The Four of Us' by 1812 Productions
This two-character comedy about how jealousy can poison an imperfect friendship is leaner than previous works by Tamar Moses but often dazzling nevertheless.
The Four of Us. By Itamar Moses; directed by Pete Pryor. Presented by 1812 Productions through June 17, 2007 at St. Stephen’s Theatre, Tenth and Ludlow Sts. (215) 592-9560 or
The Four of Us. By Itamar Moses; directed by Pete Pryor. Presented by 1812 Productions through June 17, 2007 at St. Stephen’s Theatre, Tenth and Ludlow Sts. (215) 592-9560 or

3 minute read

InterAct's 'Skin in Flames'
Catalan playwright Guillem Clua’s Skin in Flames seeks to explore personal guilt, political repression, and sexual brutality in an unnamed and generic Third World state. In leaving nothing to the imagination, however, it fails at any point to evoke it.
Skin in Flames. By Guillem Clua; directed Seth Rozin. Through June 24, 2007 at InterAct Theatre, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 568-8079 or www.interactheatre.
Skin in Flames. By Guillem Clua; directed Seth Rozin. Through June 24, 2007 at InterAct Theatre, 2030 Sansom St. (215) 568-8079 or www.interactheatre.

3 minute read

Momix at Annenberg Center
Momix closed out the Dance Celebration season with its rowdy 25th anniversary 13-piece sampler. It was emblematic of a terrifically diverse 06-07 series at Annenberg.
“The Best of Momix.” May 17-19, 2007 at Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut St. 215.898.3900 or
“The Best of Momix.” May 17-19, 2007 at Annenberg Center, 3680 Walnut St. 215.898.3900 or
3 minute read