
6207 results
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634 Renoir Landscapeat Wargemont

Renoir: Art Museum vs. Barnes (2nd review)

The visitor to the Art Museum’s glorious exhibition of Renoir landscapes may wish to make a trip to the Barnes Foundation. The public is hungry for more information, presented in such a way that it doesn’t interfere with the viewing or insult the viewer’s intelligence.

Renoir Landscapes: 1865-1883. Through January 6, 2008 at Philadelphia Museum of Art. (215) 235-7469 or
Victoria Skelly

Victoria Skelly

Articles 5 minute read
633 Zhukovsunset

Zhukov and Gury at F.A.N.

In the long shadow cast by Renoir, examples of landscape painting, plain and fancy, are on display at F.A.N. Gallery.

Serge Zhukov and Al Gury. Through October 27, 2007 at F.A.N. Gallery, 221 Arch St. 215-922-5155 or

Andrew Mangravite

Articles 1 minute read
626 Renoir Village Street

Renoir landscapes at Art Museum (1st review)

This first exhibition of Renoir landscapes tries to remove the artist from his reputed saccharine view of life. By and large it succeeds. I left feeling as if I had just met a painter whom I’d never really known.

Renoir Landscapes: 1865-1883. Through January 6, 2008 at Philadelphia Museum of Art. (215) 235-7469 or

Anne R. Fabbri

Articles 6 minute read
624 Steinberg Mark

Chamber Orchestra plays Berg

The Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia’s second concert of the season was brilliantly conceived and executed, with Alban Berg’s exacting and rarely performed masterwork, the Concerto for Piano and Violin with Thirteen Wind Instruments, as the centerpiece. The result, for the happy few on hand, was what is likely to be one of the most memorable evenings of the season.

Chamber Orchestra of Philadelphia: Berg, Harbison, Stravinsky, Persichetti. September 28-30, 2007
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 4 minute read
630 anne sophie mutter

TV cameras at Verizon

Two large screens hovering over the stage, providing close-up views of the performers, were unveiled at this fall’s Orchestra opening. That means no more watching the back of Eschenbach’s head! Just a few problems….
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 3 minute read
623 Amadeus

"Amadeus' at the Wilma

The Wilma’s Amadeus is a compelling production of a stimulating work, one that provokes the mind while delighting the eye, the ear and the soul. But why does Peter Shaffer persist in tinkering with the script? In his place, what would Mozart do?

Amadeus. By Peter Shaffer; directed by Jiri Zizka. Through October 27, 2007 at Wilma Theater, 265 S. Broad St. (at Spruce). (215) 546-7824 or
Dan Rottenberg

Dan Rottenberg

Articles 4 minute read
621 Isabella

Pig Iron's "Isabella' (2nd review)

Pig Iron Theatre’s Isabella is a gripping theatrical event, one of the most exciting plays of the past few years. Most critics have missed its ingenious faithfulness to Measure For Measure. Shakespeare’s dark comedy was set in Vienna; Isabella is set in a morgue; but ultimately their subjects— lust, death and the abuse of authority— are the same.

Isabella. Pig Iron Theatre Company production through September 15, 2007 at Ic
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 5 minute read

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618 Rattle

Purdom's picks for 2007-08

A reviewer with oscillating tastes lists his higher hopes for the new season.
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 4 minute read
616 Flamingo

"Flamingo/Winnebago' at Fringe Festival

A gas station owner and a hitchhiker head for Las Vegas in a quest to discover America. It’s an ambitious creation by playwright/director Thaddeus Phillips, but the drama doesn’t really start until they reach their destination. Judicious pruning would help this otherwise compelling production.

Flamingo/Winnebago. Written and directed by Thaddeus Phillips. Lucidity Suitcase production August 30-September 8, 2007 at The Painted Bride, 230 Vine St., Philadelphia, a
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 3 minute read

"Wandering Alice' at Fringe Festival.

This fantasy trip with dance and music, based on Alice in Wonderland, received a single tryout performance at the 2007 Fringe Festival. It’s imaginative, superbly executed and blissfully illogical.

Wandering Alice. Choreographer and director: Nichole Canuso. Writer/Co-Director: Suli Holum. Sound Design/Music Composition: James Sugg and Mike Kiley. Nichole Canuso Dance Company production, Septem
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 2 minute read