
6207 results
Page 560

"Die Soldaten' in New York

Ever wonder what war is really like? Bernd Zimmerman’s opera Die Soldaten attempts a total immersion experience, complete with grating, discordant music and moving seats that prevent you from turning your face away.

Die Soldaten (The Soldiers). Opera by Bernd Zimmermann; directed by David Pountney; Steven Sloane, conductor. Presented by Lincoln Center Festival through July 13, 2008 at Park Avenue Armory, 643 Park Avenue (between 66th and 67th Sts.), New York.
Jim Rutter

Jim Rutter

Articles 6 minute read

Concert Operetta Theater's "Naughty Marietta'

Some people get all warm inside when they hear a snatch of Frank Sinatra or the rock group that happened to be leading the charts when they first started dating. I have a weakness for Sigmund Romberg's "Wanting You" and "The Riff Song." That should be everyone’s worst vice.

Naughty Marietta. Music by Victor Herbert; lyrics by Rida Johnson Young; Jose Melendez, music director and piano. Concert Operetta Theater production through June 21, 2008
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 4 minute read
970 Jamaica

"Jamaica' revived at the Prince

The 1957 Harold Arlen-Yip Harburg musical Jamaica was a potentially rich broth spoiled by two many meddlesome cooks. The Prince Music Theatre has nobly attempted to capture the creators’ original vision. But maybe Jamaica was fatally flawed to begin with.

Jamaica. Music by Harold Arlen; lyrics by Yip Harburg. Through June 22, 2008 at Prince Music Theater, 1412 Chestnut St. (215) 569-9700 or
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 7 minute read
972 Nipper

"Evolution of Sound,' a unique website

Seth Brown’s website, “Evolution of Sound,” offers a perspective on the history of musical technology that you’ll find nowhere else. On this site, Brown has uncovered material that’s as much a part of my musical self as the essays I write for Broad Street Review.
Dan Coren

Dan Coren

Articles 2 minute read
967 Martin Kip

Kip Martin's "Namja Yoja' at UArts

Namja Yoja clearly lies in the dance theater tradition—just minus the dance. Choreographer Kip Martin needs to figure out how to integrate into his storylines the vivid choreography of which he’s capable.

Namja Yoja. Choreography by Kip Martin. June 13-14, 2008 at the UArts Dance Theatre at the Drake, 1512 Spruce St. (267) 269-5986 or
Jim Rutter

Jim Rutter

Articles 5 minute read
969 Flanagan Va

Philadelphia Harp Festival

Harpist Saul Zlatkovsky joins the hardy band of part-time impresarios who keep Philadelphia lively.

Harp Music Festival of Philadelphia: Music by Loeillet, Rodrigo, J.C. Bach, Ravel, Malecki, others. Joan Holland, Helen Gerhold, Jude Mollenhauer, Virginia Flanagan, Alison Simpson, harp; Bruce Zhang, Grace Kim, Chi Park, Claudia Pellegrini, violin. Susan Arnold, viola; Samuel Soltoff, Steven Duckworth, cello; Marja Kaisla, piano. June 14-15, 2008, at Church of
Tom Purdom

Tom Purdom

Articles 4 minute read
968 guston

Philip Guston at Morgan Library

“Philip Guston: Works on Paper” is a comprehensive show of 100 drawings by the modern American master Philip Guston that shows his graphic oeuvre as not merely a complement to his paintings but as a distinct and independent achievement.

“Philip Guston: Works on Paper.” Through August 30, 2008 at Morgan Library and Museum, 225 Madison Ave, (at 36th St.), New York. (212) 685-0008 or www.themorgan.o
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 6 minute read
963 rickman alan

"Rwanda' and "Rachel Corrie'

Ordinarily, political theater is to theater as military music is to music. But in Rwanda and Rachel Corrie, respectively, People’s Light and InterAct Theatre have come up with two exceptions.

I Have Before Me A Remarkable Document Given To Me By A Young Lady From Rwanda. By Sonja Linden; directed by David Bradley, Through June 29, 2008 at People’s Light and Theatre Company, 39 Conestoga Road, Malvern. (610) 644-3500 or
Bob Cronin

Bob Cronin

Articles 3 minute read
964 carnival388x239

Pennsylvania Ballet's two premieres

Two world premieres by the Pennsylvania Ballet delivered disappointing dosages of choreographic showboating and ballet kitsch. Oh yes, and John Lithgow.

Pennsylvania Ballet presents two world premieres: Peter Quanz’s Jupiter Symphony and Neenan’s Penumbra and Pampeana No. 2. June 6-14, 2008 at Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Sts. (215) 551-7000 or
Jim Rutter

Jim Rutter

Articles 6 minute read
960 Cezannecardplayers

The Barnes Foundation rulings (Part 2)

Having approved the controversial move of the Barnes Foundation in 2004, Judge Stanley Ott has now denied standing to those who would offer new evidence against the move. He has also refused to examine such evidence himself.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 9 minute read