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"Wanamaker's Pursuit' at the Arden
Gertrude Stein confronts the Wanamakers
Different strokes for different folks: In Paris of 1911, an American commercial family eager to make deals crosses paths with another American commercial family eager to embrace the new avant-garde culture. Playwright Rogelio Martinez has an intriguing idea here, but it's still a work in progress.

3 minute read

Choral Arts Society's Gesualdo program (1st review)
The 16th Century's answer to Roman Polanski
The Choral Arts Society's program based on the music of Carlo Gesualdo was daring, and not just because the composer was a triple murderer.

4 minute read

"Theater of War' at the Penn Museum
Theater, or propaganda?
In the performance event Theater of War, a staged reading of scenes from Sophocles' Trojan War drama Ajax was followed by a panel of soldiers and others directly impacted by our current wars, with discussion afterward. But politics was declared off limits by the show's creator, Bryan Doerries, which left the event uncomfortably close to propaganda.
Theater of War. Created by Bryan Doerries; directed by Abigail Adams; produced by Phyllis Kaufman. April 2, 2011 at the University of Pennsylvania Museum, 33rd and South Sts.

5 minute read

Roberto Capucci's 'Art Into Fashion' at the Art Museum (1st review)
Stunning to look at (but not necessarily to wear)
Roberto Capucci's extravagant fashion designs— an astonishing feast of color, form and imagination—have turned dresses into sculpture and clothing into art. Would you want to wear them? That's another question.

3 minute read

"Speaking in Tongues' at Walnut's Studio 3
Let's talk about marital guilt. On second thought, let's not
Andrew Bovell's Speaking in Tongues is based on the dubious premise that marital infidelity is the end of the world. And from where I was sitting, I got a stiff neck, to boot.

3 minute read

Trio Camille and Buxtehude Consort
The artist as entrepreneur
Two musical go-getters, pianist Matt Bengtson and baritone John Fowler, enhance Philadelphia's musical life while creating opportunities for themselves and their colleagues.

4 minute read

"Pride of Parnell Street' in Ambler
Scenes from a disintegrating marriage
Sebastian Barry is the finest Irish playwright of his generation, and in The Pride of Parnell Street he recreates the Dublin of the 1990s with the most economical of means: two characters, one set, and a single, 90-minute act. The act of violence that lies at its core is never shown, but its trauma reverberates throughout the text.

6 minute read

Contemporary music: Two concerts
After the revolution
Philip Glass and George Rochberg may have revolutionized new music, but their work seems almost mannered next to two younger composers who took advantage of their rebellion.

3 minute read

Thaddeus Phillips's '17 Border Crossings' (1st review)
Bordering on anxiety
With 17 Border Crossings, the multi-talented Thaddeus Phillips renders his own international travel in the last two decades as the subject of this new work. By framing his sequential monologues on the anxieties of border crossings, he assembles a mix of experiences from which he can draw humor as well as make his political critiques.
17 Border Crossings. Conceived and performed by Thaddeus Phillips. April 1-2, 2011 at Painted Bride Arts Center, 203 Vine St. or

3 minute read

Cary Fukunaga's "Jane Eyre' on film (1st review)
The ultimate coming of age story
In a world where love is over-analyzed and over-articulated, there's something incredibly refreshing about witnessing love portrayed as magic.

3 minute read