
6207 results
Page 381
Sanford: 'Did you come here with your husband?'

Charlotte Ford's "Bang' at Live Arts Festival

Yes, we're naked. What's your problem?

The absurdities of Bang didn't lie in the characters' unapologetic nakedness, but in our own overwrought reactions to witnessing the human body.
Alaina Johns

Alaina Johns

Articles 3 minute read
One generation's heartthrob is another generation's joke.

Perry Como, forgotten man

Where have you gone, Perry Como?

Perry Como was America's Number One pop vocalist for more than a decade, but his fame never impressed him. His hometown has moved on as well, as I discovered on a recent visit.
Steve Cohen

Steve Cohen

Articles 3 minute read
Gauguin's 'Where Do We Come From': Serenity or anxiety?

"Visions of Arcadia' at the Art Museum (3rd review)

Paradise troubled, or paradise lost?

The 2,000-year-old ideal of a bucolic utopia met the reality of an industrialized society and the shock of World War I, but in its final heyday it stimulated such artists as Cézanne, Rousseau, Gauguin, Seurat and Matisse to produce some of their greatest works.
Robert Zaller

Robert Zaller

Articles 7 minute read
Moyer's 'Mayapples': Sometimes you just want to unwind.

Kurt Moyer's "Bathers and Landscapes' at Gross McCleaf

The frost is on the pond

Kurt Moyer's work is easy on the eyes and soothing to the nerves— which, lest we forget, is an important purpose of art.

Andrew Mangravite

Articles 1 minute read
'Seventh Street': Waiting to see someone walk past.

Robert Heilman's shadowy nocturnes at F.A.N.

A stage set, before the drama begins

Robert Heilman's landscapes and cityscapes manage to convey drama regardless of their size, and without human figures.

Andrew Mangravite

Articles 1 minute read
Smith: Perverse pleasure.

Sam Shepard's "Heartless' in New York

Sam Shepard confronts his demons (yet again)

Nothing is as it seems in Sam Shepard's Heartless. But Shepard devotees may find his latest dysfunctional family a trifle too familiar— even if, for once, it's dominated by women rather than men.

Carol Rocamora

Articles 4 minute read
Daniel Bernard Roumain got his break as Lady Gaga's backup.

Classical music, dead or alive: A debate

He sees the present, I see the future

After 40 years of representing Classical musicians, my agent is giving up. He offers an impressive list of reasons why serious music is doomed. But where he sees disaster, I see opportunity— especially if Classical musicians are genuinely creative.
Maria Thompson Corley

Maria Thompson Corley

Articles 6 minute read
'Water Towers": A whimsical alien gift.

"Light': Longwood Gardens' first art piece

Some place that's not quite where you're supposed to be

As if Longwood Gardens wasn't already sufficiently spectacular, Bruce Munro's “Light” adds a magical combination of art, imagination and science.
Marilyn MacGregor

Marilyn MacGregor

Articles 3 minute read
'Seljaci,' bas-relief by Mestrovic in Zagreb: Who knew?

Rediscovering Croatia

Forgotten country, forgotten sculptor

Tourism in Croatia has halved since its mindless war with Serbia. Those reluctant tourists are missing a stunning land and an equally stunning museum in the former home of one of the world's greatest sculptors.
Patrick D. Hazard

Patrick D. Hazard

Articles 4 minute read
'French Kiss' by Bermudez: A primordial dream wth complex images.

"Sum of Parts': Bermudez and Marcuse at Drexel

Echoes of the jungle

A bit of the jungle lurks in the works by two urban artists from Venezuela and South Africa. It's a reminder that the best artists follow their own visions rather than pay homage to conventional icons.

Anne R. Fabbri

Articles 2 minute read