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Tony Matelli: New Gravity at Wellesley College
Beholder’s Eye
Do the denizens of Wellesley College have the right to walk across campus without confronting a middle-aged man in his BVDs?

'Die Fledermaus' by the Metropolitan Opera and the Vienna State Opera
Different bat-times, different bat-channels
Fledermice (those German bats) have come at us from two directions: glitzy American or schmaltzy Austrian, take your choice.

3 minute read

BalletX Winter 2014 program
Performing flexibly and with fun
BalletX’s dancers move in ways that are simultaneously strenuous and fluid, harsh and delicate, serious and amusing.

3 minute read

ClassicAlive presents Gabriel Cabezas and Chloe Felesina
Ballet over easy with a cello on the side
How do you bring ballet out from behind the curtain of elitism and high ticket prices? Serve it for Sunday brunch (with mimosas) to families. That’s what LiveConnections at World Café Live does.

3 minute read

‘True West’ at Theatre Exile (second review)
Lost in the boonies
Some call this a masterpiece by America’s greatest living playwright. Others find it irritating and have walked out. Both are appropriate reactions to a play that’s about split personalities.

3 minute read

Astral in Wonderland
Astral’s young artists lead a visit to the worlds of Winnie-the-Pooh, Peter Pan, and a dreamy young girl named Alice.

3 minute read

Vox Renaissance Consort’s Renaissance Candlemas
The time travelers’ songs
The renaissance costumes could be cheesy, but instead they add to the magic of the music.

2 minute read

'Monuments Men': a disappointing tribute
A great story still untold
I wish I could say that The Monuments Men is worthy of its subject and of the people who strove and died to save the art of western Europe. Instead, The Monuments Men is an action-comedy whose action is dull and whose comedy is formulaic.

11 minute read
Pennsylvania Ballet's 'Serenade'
A celebration of two dance anniversaries
George Balanchine's Serenade, first performed 80 years ago, has changed over the years, but the Pennsylvania Ballet's production preserves its loveliness and soul.

4 minute read

‘Other Desert Cities’ at the Walnut
Cold-blooded conservatives vs. warmhearted liberals
Somewhere west of Generation Gap, a family modeled after Ronald Reagan’s wages bitter ideological warfare. Too bad the characters here are mostly caricatures.

2 minute read