6207 results
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Chuck Palahniuk's planned 'Fight Club' sequel
I know this because Tyler knows this: ‘Fight Club’ doesn’t need a sequel
Fight Club allegorized Generation X’s bone-deep dissatisfaction with ourselves. We never thought we’d buy into the Ikea lifestyle, but we have, hook, line, and sinker.
5 minute read

Anton Corbijn’s ‘A Most Wanted Man’ (second review)
Making a safer world
A Most Wanted Man reminds us that the Cold War world of espionage lives on in our post-9/11 obsession with terrorism, made all the more ubiquitous in the modern surveillance state.

4 minute read

Conversations around American Gothic at Cincinnati Art Museum
Finally figuring out 'American Gothic'
Daughters of Revolution and American Gothic inhabit each other. For a few short months, starting in Cincinnati this month, they'll form an informal diptych, telling an integrated story of small-minded American values.

5 minute read

James Gunn's 'Guardians of the Galaxy'
A by-the-book comic-book blockbuster
It’s nice having a reliably enjoyable summer movie experience, the cinematic equivalent of fried boardwalk food or cheap, cold beer. A lot of blockbusters don’t live up to my hopes, but with a Marvel movie I always know what I’m going to get, so I’m never disappointed.

3 minute read

‘Book of Mormon’ at the Forrest (third review)
Is nothing sacred?
What Joshua taught me is to look at The Book of Mormon as a phenomenon of popular culture — an American one, specifically, in which nothing is considered sacred, and any aspect of the human condition is fair game for satire.
5 minute read
Gokash production of 'Death of a Salesman'
Willy Loman, risen from the dead
The Gokash production of Death of a Salesman is the first African-American staging of the Arthur Miller classic in Philadelphia. We talk to Kash Goins, head of Gokash, who stars as Willy Loman.

4 minute read
Your Brain at the Franklin Institute
This is my brain on a field trip
Your Brain engages all ages with information to discover, interact with, and think about. It pointedly demonstrates how powerful a possession we have on our shoulders, and made me want to take better care of my brain, sharpening it with tricky tasks, more sleep, and less stress.
5 minute read

The boycott of Israel’s Incubator Theatre in Edinburgh
The boycott of an Israeli theater company at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival raises troubling issues.

5 minute read

Richard Linklater’s ‘Boyhood’
What we remember
Boyhood follows the flow of time and how these moments link to form a life. The artistry of the movie is in how Richard Linklater has curated those moments.
3 minute read

I was the mother of a teenaged garage band
Ever since Noah was small, I’ve taught him that rock and roll is more than music; it is, as Bruce insinuates, a religion.
4 minute read