6207 results
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A flag for Robert Stone
Remembering novelist Robert Stone, who died on January 10.
Dolce Suono's tribute to Julius Baker
A celebration of musical genealogy
Mimi Stillman presents an imaginative tribute to the musician she considers “another grandfather.”

3 minute read

Philadelphia History Museum at the Atwater Kent
The museum of Philadelphia past
Visiting the Philadelphia History Museum is like climbing into the family attic: We don’t just see the past; it’s our past and probably our parents’ and grandparents’ as well.
4 minute read

'Body of an American' at the Wilma
Is war personal?
Photographers look at what we prefer not to see; as a result they are haunted by the images they capture on film. But does making war a personal issue really help to rid the world of war?

5 minute read

Nice music
Nice music mimics the past, thrives on expectations, and never breaks ground. It won’t make you think, though it might make you feel nostalgic or sentimental. It never makes you listen, since there’s nothing to hear.
2 minute read

Public Theater's Under the Radar Festival
Four flights under the radar
The 11th annual international Under the Radar Festival (UTR) has returned with an array of energetic new offerings. The four that I saw (among numerous entries from seven countries) distinguished themselves with their bold experimentation in theatrical form.
6 minute read

Hilary Hahn, Robert deMaine, and Natalie Zhu
The soloist plays with a team
Hilary Hahn offers local audiences a rare chance to hear her play in a chamber ensemble and demonstrates, once again, the all-important virtue that’s made her an international star.

3 minute read

'Motown the Musical'
A musical buffet
Motown the Musical is like a giant smorgasbord of the music that has become the soundtrack of our lives. But as with any buffet, you leave full but not quite satisfied.

3 minute read

Paul Thomas Anderson’s 'Inherent Vice'
Seriously weird
The trick to enjoying Inherent Vice is to just let the thing wash over you, laugh at the jokes, and don’t fret too much (or at all) about the details. This is substantially easier if you are a fan, as its protagonist is, of late-night movie marathons.

4 minute read

Richard Pousette-Dart in New York
A thousand points of light
As you walk deeper into this latest Richard Pousette-Dart show, you enter a force field whose most simple-seeming elements radiate a luminescent energy that draws you ever deeper toward a sense of primal origin.

5 minute read