6207 results
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Rabbit Rabbit Rabbit at Fabric Workshop and Museum
Pulling art out of their hats
Visitors are escorted at the Fabric Workshop and Museum. Though it may seem intrusive at first, the practice is helpful — especially in a show like Rabbit, Rabbit, Rabbit, which exhibits the work of FWM staffers.
4 minute read

New Year traditions: Orchestra v. Mummers
Angela Meade — practical joker?
On New Year’s Eve, the customarily sedate Angela Meade pulled two tricks from her sleeve. The Mummers Parade, on the other hand, remains an unintentionally profound testament to the futility of human ambition.

5 minute read

Piffaro, Tempesta di Mare, and Choral Arts team up
The merging of the eras
Piffaro and Tempesta di Mare joined forces with Choral Arts Philadelphia and proved the Renaissance and the Baroque can cooperate.

3 minute read

'Bridge of Spies' and 'Trumbo'
Revisiting the Red Scare
Steven Spielberg’s Bridge of Spies and Jay Roach’s Trumbo are reminders, instructive and nostalgic, that what scares us now happened before, and we survived.

5 minute read

A look back at 2015's best television
Looking at my list of my 2015 favorites, I still see shows featuring tortured men on the moral razor’s edge, torn between the two sides of their nature — but the cracks are beginning to show.
6 minute read

1807 & Friends present premiere of Rudin's 'Circadia'
Friends of music
Throughout the years, 1807 & Friends has maintained a thrillingly high level of artistic quality. Their guests join the core ensemble as friends, egos set aside: Honoring the composer is the order of the day.
2 minute read
How kids see ‘The Nutcracker’ (6th helping)
Blessings of binoculars
This month marks the sixth December in my curious annual quest to observe how small children — specifically, my grandchildren— develop an appreciation for great art — specifically, The Nutcracker. Not until this year did it occur to me that the Nutcracker experience itself might change with the passage of time.

4 minute read

'Allegiance' on Broadway
History with modern resonance
Allegiance recalls the time when fear of terrorism led the American government to put everyone of Japanese ancestry into detention camps. Its relevance to the present is obvious.

4 minute read

'Words Without Music' by Philip Glass
From plumber to the gilded prizes with a ‘musical idiot’
Philip Glass's great experiment in sound helped release serious music from the grip of the serialists and academics and Aaron Copland — and opened Glass to older forms and orchestration, longer melody, and other traditions he would explore for the rest of his working life.
5 minute read

Rilke, Rodin, and essence
Creatures and things
At the Rodin Museum, I find students drawing the sculptures on pedestals that are surrounded by space. In this silent camaraderie, I, too, draw the figures. But drawing the figures presents a challenge, becoming an activity of charting unknown territory.

5 minute read