
6207 results
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Gary W. Jeter II follows the movements of Hellmut Fricke-Gottschild. (Photo by Bill Hebert.)

BalletX presents Fall Series 2017 with Nicolo Fonte's 'Beautiful Decay'

Dancing in the dying light

BalletX opens its second series this season with Nicolo Fonte's 'Beautiful Decay,' a meditation on time with multigenerational dancers. Camille Bacon-Smith reviews.
Camille Bacon-Smith

Camille Bacon-Smith

Articles 4 minute read
James Ijames as a lounge-lizard version of composer Robert Schumann. (Photo by Plate 3 Photography.)

Orbiter 3's world premiere of Sam Henderson's 'The Brownings'

Pass the laudanum

Sam Henderson's world premiere ‘The Brownings,' presented by playwriting collective Orbiter 3, flirts with heavy ideas, but too often takes the path of least resistance. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 3 minute read
Runnicles picks up the baton for the Philadelphia Orchestra. (Photo by Simon Pauly.)

Philadelphia Orchestra presents 'Runnicles Conducts Mozart'

From Gloucestershire to Venusburg

Donald Runnicles’s Philadelphia Orchestra program takes listeners on a musical trip around Europe. Cameron Kelsall reviews.
Cameron Kelsall

Cameron Kelsall

Articles 3 minute read
Wolves in their own skins. (Photo by Andrew Jordan)

Kimmel Center presents Christopher Williams and Gregory Spears's 'Wolf-in-skins'

A wolf in man's clothing

The most original dance and music event of this season, the second installation of choreographer/librettist Christopher Williams’ six part dance/opera 'Wolf-in-Skins' is certainly more than human. Merilyn Jackson reviews.
Merilyn Jackson

Merilyn Jackson

Articles 3 minute read
A rogues' gallery, L to R: Jennifer Childs's Chris Christie, Sean Close's W, and Susan Riley Stevens's Sarah Palin. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

1812 Productions presents 'This is the Week That Is,' 2017 edition

Every day, an opportunity

The 12th annual 'This Is The Week That Is' finds 1812 Productions a year older and wiser, but just as funny. Mark Cofta reviews.
Mark Cofta

Mark Cofta

Articles 3 minute read
L to R: P.J., Ma, and Christopher "Quest" Rainey. (Photo courtesy of Sabrina Schmidt Gordon.)

Jonathan Olshefski's 'Quest: A Portrait of an American Family'

Outside the comfort zone

Philadelphia-area director Jonathan Olshefski's 'Quest: A Portrait of an American Family' offers an astonishing look at one family in North Philadelphia over the span of a decade. Rob Buscher reviews.
Rob Buscher

Rob Buscher

Articles 3 minute read
Pif's Arturo and Miriam Leone's Flora take a 20th-century selfie. (Photo curtesy of Penn Cinema Studies)

Pierfrancesco Diliberto's (Pif) 'In Guerra per Amore' at Lightbox Film Center

Mussolini meets the mob

Pierfrancesco Diliberto's (Pif) 'In Guerra per Amore' offers a surprising look at an Allied alliance with the Sicilian mafia. Rob Buscher reviews.
Rob Buscher

Rob Buscher

Articles 3 minute read
In 2016, 'NCIS' captured the most television viewers. This is its writers' room. (Photo via Steve Binder/Twitter.)

The trouble with film and television diversity initiatives

When hiring for diversity is the problem

Are media diversity initiatives harming artists of color instead of helping them? Rob Buscher considers.
Rob Buscher

Rob Buscher

Articles 4 minute read
Parvana, before her transformation, in ‘The Breadwinner.’ (Image courtesy of GKids.)

‘The Breadwinner,’ directed by Nora Twomey

Hiding in plain sight

In ‘The Breadwinner,’ animated characters come to life, telling a harrowing story of survival and imagination in Taliban-dominated Afghanistan. Gary Day reviews.
Gary L. Day

Gary L. Day

Articles 3 minute read
Sunny and Tahlia Ellie as the unbeatable team of Sandy and Annie. (Photo by Mark Garvin.)

Walnut Street Theatre presents Thomas Meehan and Charles Strouse's 'Annie'

Pluck and politics

In Walnut Street Theatre's 'Annie,' a spunky child overcomes adversity, finds a dog, becomes a millionaire, and even inspires hardened politicians to do the right thing. Naomi Orwin reviews.
Naomi Orwin

Naomi Orwin

Articles 2 minute read