K.A. McFadden
BSR Contributor Since October 31, 2023
Dr. K.A. McFadden holds a certificate in painting and printmaking from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. They subsequently attended the University of Pennsylvania earning the BFA and MFA. A Ph.D. was granted by the Institute for Doctoral Studies in the Visual Arts in Aesthetics and Art Theory. They are an independent scholar, and their essays and art exhibition reviews have been published in numerous academic art journals. McFadden’s interest and developing expertise is the thoughtful acknowledgement of women’s contributions to the art historical canon which evoke important philosophical questions around equity and inclusion. A chapter about the painter Suzanne Valadon was recently published in an anthology titled The Aestheticization of History and the Butterfly Effect. McFadden maintains a painting and drawing practice in addition to teaching philosophy and art history for regional colleges and universities.