Jay Clark

BSR Contributor Since July 8, 2024

Jay Clark (he/him) is a writer and jeweler pushing genre and medium into explorations of the absurd and impossible.

Jay Clark is a New England-based writer, poet, and jeweler. Drawn to Philadelphia by the University of the Arts, he was a rising junior at the time of its abrupt closure. In his time there, he was published in issues 13 and 14 of Underground Pool, the UArts student-run literary magazine, and was the winner of the 2024 UArts Creative Writing Poetry Prize. You can see what he’s up to on Instagram @cyanocittus.

By this Author

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Hundreds of people, many holding handmade signs, rally on a June day on the steps of the pillared Hamilton Hall building.

A UArts student speaks: “It’s clear that I’ll have to settle, no matter where I go.”

A young writer promises that his school’s demise won’t silence his craft.

Jay Clark was a rising junior at UArts and this year’s winner of the school’s Creative Writing Poetry Prize. On May 31, he got a tuition bill. The same day, news broke of the school’s closure. What’s next for him and hundreds of others?

Jay Clark

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