In the last two weeks, BSR writers have seen and reviewed 20 different Fringe shows, from dance premieres to streaming performances to improv, cabaret, and contemporary Irish drama. We've covered drag, student theater, puppetry, and the new Geoff Sobelle.
We've got some other reviews featured this week as well, including a world premiere at People's Light, the latest Stoppard at the Lantern (which is generating strong reactions), and a new homage to Dolly Parton at Delaware Theatre Company.
We're gearing up for more, especially this weekend: Kyle and I are heading out for our own day at the Fringe this Saturday -- you can follow our adventures on BSR's Instagram. Exactly where we're heading is an exclusive tip for you, our subscribers! Look out for this week's Find Us at the Fringe mailer on Friday morning, and maybe we'll see you at a show.
Alaina Johns
BSR editor-in-chief